This webhook is triggered when an inbound dial is made to a phone number linked to an agent. Elto will automatically run the agent after this webhook is triggered. If the agent is configured with the inbound webhook response option, you may return a Map<String, String> to fill in any parameters in the agent’s prompt. However, in this case you’ll only have 3 seconds to respond before the call proceeds without the parameters filled in.

Event Type



dial_session_idstringThe ID of the dial session.
dial_idstringThe ID of the inbound dial.
dest_number_idstringThe Elto ID of the called phone number.
call_agent_idstringThe associated agent that was triggered by the call.
source_numberstringThe E.164 formatted phone number that is making the call.

Example Message

    "event": "dial.inbound",
    "payload": {
        "dial_session_id": "de3ee23e-ce58-4e05-9e7b-fcb96ba440a6",
        "dial_id": "5a6c6190-db20-4d8e-86a9-79a6af292dea",
        "dest_number_id": "2310e824-a2cb-4b0c-88cf-8f8b745bf6ae",
        "call_agent_id": "32e4be84-0803-4c41-af70-5a87a2dc0a4e",
        "source_number": "+18001234567"

Example Response (with inbound webhook response)

    "name": "John Doe"