You can configure API access, webhook endpoints, and concurrent phone call limits by visiting the API tab in the left sidebar.

API Keys

Navigate to the Keys tab and click New Key to create a new API key.

If you remove a user from your workspace, their API keys will be deactivated as well.


Configure webhook settings to receive real-time updates about your voice agents’ activities. Webhooks allow your application to receive automatic notifications about events like call status changes, transcripts, and recordings.

Webhook Configuration

  1. Webhook Signing Secret: A secure key used to verify that incoming webhooks are genuinely from Vogent. Keep this secret secure and use it to validate webhook signatures.

  2. Webhook URL: The endpoint where Vogent will send webhook events. This should be a publicly accessible HTTPS URL that can receive POST requests.

For detailed information about webhook payloads and event types, visit our Webhooks documentation.

Verifying the Webhook Signature

To verify the webhook signature, you need to use the webhook signing secret. The signature is included in the X-Elto-Signature header of the webhook request. Here’s an example of how to verify the signature in JavaScript:

Webhook Signature Verification
function verifyWebhook(
  algorithm = 'sha256'
) {
  // Convert payload to buffer if not already
  const buf = Buffer.isBuffer(payload) ? payload : Buffer.from(payload, 'utf8');
  // Convert signature from hex string to buffer
  const sig = Buffer.from(signature, 'hex');

  // Create HMAC with secret
  const hmac = crypto.createHmac(algorithm, signingSecret);
  // Calculate digest of payload
  const digest = Buffer.from(hmac.update(buf).digest('hex'), 'hex');

  // Compare calculated digest with provided signature
  if (sig.length !== digest.length || !crypto.timingSafeEqual(digest, sig)) {
    throw new Error('Invalid webhook signature');

  return true;

Concurrent Dial Limits

Control how many simultaneous phone calls your agents can handle.

  • View your current concurrent dial limit
  • Monitor current usage (“Currently using X”)
  • Request an increase if you need to handle more concurrent calls

Reaching your concurrent dial limit will prevent new calls from being initiated until active calls are completed.

Requesting a Limit Increase

Click the Request Increase button to submit a request for a higher concurrent dial limit. Our team will review your request and respond ASAP.